
In 2019, Camille Pichon, François Delporte, Julien Simon and Boris Duda joined forces to found Rocambole, now named Doors, the first platform for 100% original reading series. It allows unlimited reading, on any medium, of series in 5-minute episodes.

Yes, you can read series too! In one click, you can access hundreds of exclusive stories, worlds and imaginary worlds to escape from everyday life!

“Netflix of reading” or revival of the serial novel, Doors invents a new form of publishing while remaining faithful to the French literary heritage. The aim is to help the French to get back on the path of reading, but also to reconnect with their imagination in a snap … and to disconnect a little from social networks too. Doors is also aimed at those who don’t have the time and can now read short episodes during a trip or while waiting for the subway.

More than a 100 original literary series, from thriller to romance, history and SF or non-fiction are now available on the application. A library you can take everywhere with you.

Among the most widely read series is Multiple, which follows the adventures of a young girl with a dissociative identity disorder who embarks on an investigation. The strength of Doors is above all that it has created universes, in which the stories can unfold endlessly. Among the most beloved universes are Kill Switch and Dream.
Since 2021, the non-fiction universes have also been developing with true stories and testimonies and even universes such as the one devoted to Liberated Love and Sexuality.

In 2021, Serge Hayat joins the founders and Rocambole becomes Doors, the first platform for 100% original reading series.

In September 2022, Vivlio, the French leader in digital books, acquires Doors.


Download the mobile application on Google Play
Download the mobile application from the Apple Store